All Saints Church in Shingay-cum-Wendy has undergone a radical transformation ahead of the rector's retirement.

The rector, Canon Shamus Williams, who is currently assisted by the curate Revd Ann Bol, has served the six parishes in the Shingay Group for 27 years and is retiring at the end of this month.

The Shingay Group consists of the parishes of Guilden Morden, Steeple Morden, Abington Piggots, Littlington, Tadlow and Shingay-cum-Wendy.

Canon Williams will conduct his last service on August 28 at Littlington Church, followed by a picnic lunch.

Before his departure, Canon Williams officiated the inaugural service at All Saints Church following its renovations, which have been ongoing since November last year.

The building, which was built in 1832, was a former school. It closed in 1931 but reopened briefly in 1939, mainly for evacuees, before it finally closed in 1940.

The original All Saints Church was situated in the churchyard in Wendy, but was demolished. The church acquired the former school premises in 1971, and until the recent renovations it had barely been modernised.

Now the building has undergone extensive modernisation to turn it into a community space, with disabled access, indoor toilet facilities and improved kitchen facilities and heating.

The renovation was made possible thanks to funds generated through Vine Farm Solar Park and the enduring vision of churchwarden and lifelong resident Chris Jennings, together with the support of the villagers and Canon Shamus Williams.

The church was officially reopened on Sunday, July 24, with a group service for all six parishes which was well-attended by local parishioners.

As well as the renovations at All Saints Church, St Giles at Tadlow has also been closed for extensive renovations for over a year.

A spokesperson for the Shingay Group said: "The future of the six parishes remains uncertain.

"Shamus Williams and his wife Kate will be greatly missed. Canon Williams has worked tirelessly for many years serving the community across the six parishes coordinating and covering services, duties and at times, competing demands. An unenviable and challenging task.

"The group wish him and his wife well in his well-earned retirement."