The new season has begun at Royston Photographic Society - with a packed line-up of exhibitions and outings.

The club meets at Icknield Walk First School on Thursday evenings at 7.45pm during term-time.

Members of the club take part in regular competitions, as well as activities focused on improving their skills and outdoor excursions to places of interest in the area.

Girders and Spandrels by Royston Photographic Society chairman Peter AndrewGirders and Spandrels by Royston Photographic Society chairman Peter Andrew (Image: Peter Andrew) Two groups of photographers are working towards exhibitions of members' work in Royston Museum and the town hall during Royston Arts Festival.

The museum exhibition opened on Thursday, September 19 and is a collaboration between club members and museum staff, supported by Royston Town Council and featuring images from 17 of the club's photographers. The exhibition will run until Sunday, November 3.

In the town hall, the club's contribution to Royston Arts Festival is open for just one weekend on Saturday, September 28 and Sunday, September 29.

Westminster Sunset by Peter BakerWestminster Sunset by Peter Baker (Image: Peter Andrew) A wide range of photographs will be on display, along with other types of artwork.

Many members are still tidying up their photos from the society's outings over the summer.

The final event this summer was an excursion to the area around Westminster during sunset. 

After Dark by Peter BakerAfter Dark by Peter Baker (Image: Peter Baker) Members stopped to take photos at King's Cross, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Bridge, the South Bank and Blackfriars.


Coming up in the club's diary are print and projected image competitions, where experienced local judges offer critique and feedback to help members.

There will also be a tabletop photography night where members will work in groups to create interesting pictures, and a Zoom presentation from an award-winning landscape photographer.

New members are always welcome. For more information go to