Planning applications for the proposed development of new homes in two North Herts villages have been withdrawn from the local authority.

Plans to convert agricultural buildings at Kirby Manor Farm in Ashwell into eight homes have been withdrawn from North Herts Council.

It follows objections raised by Ashwell Parish Council and neighbours Michael and Nicolette Holmes, who live in the farmhouse on the Northfield Road site.

Concerns raised by the Holmes include the impact of noise and light pollution, as well as highways safety concerns and being overlooked.

Ashwell Parish Council said it "resolved to support the concerns of the neighbour, especially those around sustainability and highways safety, the number of dwellings, the design issues including privacy/overlooking issues, and also regarding ‘planning creep’ to extend the area".

Meanwhile, an unrelated planning application for the conversion of a barn in Kimpton into five homes has also been withdrawn.

The proposed site is within the boundary of Porters End House, in Porters End Lane, which is a private settlement including nine homes and various outbuildings.