The Royston Light Party, which offers an alternative to Halloween, is back and celebrating its 15th event this year.

Held on Thursday, October 31 at Coombes Community Centre, the event promises "no tricks but lots of treats", and aims to provide a "friendly and inclusive" alternative to trick-or-treating.

Last year more than 200 children and their families attended, and this year organisers are hoping for an equally fun event.

Children can take part in craft activities, games, face-painting, a disco and party food, all full of charge.

The Light Party is hosted by Churches Together in Royston and District in collaboration with Make Lunch Royston, and is for children aged four to 11 and their families.

Doors open at 5.30pm and no pre-booking is required - you can just turn up on the evening. There is no charge but donations are open.


One of the organisers, Louise Bradley, said "My kids have always loved the Light Party – it’s a safe place where they can play, eat and have fun.

"I’m thrilled to be part of the organising team again this year."

Make Lunch Royston - past of Churches Together - helps provide food during the holidays for children on free school lunches.