Two North Herts police officers received Royal Humane Society Awards for saving a man's life at Royston station.

Railway station staff called police at around 9pm on Saturday, February 18 this year, out of concern for a man who was on the road bridge over the tracks and threatening to jump.

Special Constable Michael Boulos and Police Constable Laura Meldrum of North Herts Intervention Team rushed to the man and got him down, managing to detain him despite his distressed attempts to get away.

The man was taken to hospital for further mental health support.

Both SC Boulos and PC Meldrum received awards from the Royal Humane Society, which were presented at a ceremony hosted by Chief Constable Charlie Hall.

Chief Constable Hall said: "These awards events are just a small token of thanks for the massive difference that my officers and members of the public have made to individuals in their time of need and their loved ones."

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