Students at Melbourn Village College (MVC) held a mock general election in the lead-up to polling day, with two of the candidates attending in person.

The event started with an assembly, where Lib Dem candidate Pippa Heylings - now elected MP for South Cambs - and Green Party candidate Miranda Fyfe each delivered a three-minute speech to garner students' votes.

Following the assembly, students were escorted by members of the MVC mock election committee to their polling stations around the school's willow lawn, where they cast their votes.

The committee, which was comprised of student volunteers, played a crucial role in organising and running the event, supported by an admin team and teaching staff.

After the mock polls closed, the committee counted the votes and used their statistical skills to analyse the results.

The outcome of the mock election mimicked real life, with the Lib Dems "drastically securing" the majority of votes. 

In the actual election, Ms Heylings received a 46.8 per cent share of the overall votes

However unlike in real life - where Conservative Chris Carter-Chapman came in second - at MVC the Green Party reached second place.

As in the real election, Reform UK came in third place.

The mock election aimed to highlight the importance of civic participation and the intricacies of voting in a "fun and engaging" manner.

While the MVC vote took place ahead of the real election, students can now analyse their results and how their choices compare to the broader electorate.

Head of humanities James Stuart, who set up the mock election, said: "This event not only educated students about the electoral process but also fostered a sense of community and engagement within the school.


"The MVC mock election committee demonstrated exemplary leadership and organisational skills, making the event a resounding success.

"The enthusiasm and participation of the students in this mock election underscored the importance of such educational activities in preparing the younger generation for active and informed citizenship.

"All participating students will be receiving the Head of School award and opportunity to sign the humanities book of award."