Royston Photographic Society is celebrating its members who have achieved success in national competitions.

Among these is Martin Johnson, who joined the society in 2007 after taking early retirement from his career as a research scientist.

Bee orchid on Therfield HeathBee orchid on Therfield Heath (Image: Martin Johnson)

At the same time, Martin started a part-time degree course in photographic art, which enabled him to develop a working knowledge of all the photographic genres and develop his creativity.

Martin is a licentiate member of the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS), and is currently working towards his associateship distinction (ARPS).

Puffin with sand eelsPuffin with sand eels (Image: Martin Johnson)

Due to his lifelong interest in natural history, Martin has gravitated towards photographing wildlife - in particular insects and birds.

In the summer he can often be found on Therfield Heath, perhaps lying on the ground as he tries to get close to butterflies and other small insects.

Martin's butterfly images have been printed in national magazines, and he has recently been awarded a 'highly commended' ribbon in the national Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) natural history competition, for another of his butterfly images.

Red kite - master of the skiesRed kite - master of the skies (Image: Martin Johnson)

As well as nature, Martin dabbles in street photography, and is fascinated by photographing reflections in glass and water.

Royston Photographic Society club nights have given Martin the opportunity to broaden his photographic horizons by competing in internal and external competitions.

He has also had the chance to learn from members whose interests lie in other areas, such as landscape photography.

Two male Chalkhill blue butterfliesTwo male Chalkhill blue butterflies (Image: Martin Johnson)

However, Martin says he gets the most enjoyment from the "relaxed, friendly" atmosphere of the club nights and the social events run by the society.

Regular club nights will return at 7.45pm on Thursdays at Icknield Walk First School, once term starts up again in September.


More information about the society is available at

White-legged damselfly mating heartWhite-legged damselfly mating heart (Image: Martin Johnson)

While the society does not hold meetings over the summer, it has a regular programme of outings and events.

These include a visit to Shepreth Wildlife Park and a creative photography session at Henry Moore Studio and Gardens.

Anyone who is interested in joining the society can contact chairman Peter Andrew on, who can help arrange a taste of club life.