Swimmers, family and friends are invited to take part in the Rotary Club's charity swimathon.

The swimathon will take place at Royston Leisure Centre on Woodcock Road between 6pm and 10pm on Sunday, October 20.

Teams of up to six swimmers are challenged to raise sponsorship money by completing as many lengths as possible in 50 minutes.

All ages are welcome, and each team member should seek sponsors for the number of lengths the entire team completes.

Only one member of each team will be in the water at a time, with teams to decide how lengths are divided.

To download an entry form, go to roystonrotary.com click on 'Swimathon' and follow the instructions, or contact Rotarian Howard Peacock at info@roystonrotary.com or phone 07711 471 470.


Howard Peacock said: "As always, we are offering participants the opportunity to support their own charity, or an 'in-house' project.

"We all know how hard it has become since the Covid pandemic to raise money, so here is your chance to donate 50 per cent of the sponsorship money raised by your team.

"The other half of the money raised will go to the Rotary Club of Royston’s president’s chosen charity for this year, Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust."