Families had fun while raising money for their village at the annual Melbourn Fete.

The event was held at The Moor on Saturday, June 15, with live music, egg throwing and inflatable dinosaur racing.

After a scaled-back event in 2023, this year saw a full-on fete and the reintroduction of arena attractions.

Elsa entertains crowds at Melbourn FeteElsa entertains crowds at Melbourn Fete (Image: Melbourn Fete Committee)

Despite a deluge of rain, entertainment got under way with a Taekwondo demonstration, following a parade of classic cars and a musical dog sit - won by a Pomeranian and their owner.

The egg throwing competition saw a three-way stand-off between Princesses Anna and Elsa from Frozen, two boys and two fathers from the village.

In the end, the two boys were declared the champions - taking home gold medals and a carton of eggs each.

The winners of the egg throwing competitionThe winners of the egg throwing competition (Image: Melbourn Fete Committee)

This year saw the introduction of inflatable dinosaur racing. Guann-Yeu Chin, on behalf of the Melbourn Fete Committee, said: "It was carnage as five eager dinos slalomed, slammed and stomped their way through the course, demonstrating all the grace of a diplodocus executing a pirouette while being chased by a pack of ravenous tyrannosauruses.

"Next year may see the addition of some jumps and ramps for extra mayhem."

Visitors turned out to the fete despite a deluge of rainVisitors turned out to the fete despite a deluge of rain (Image: Melbourn Fete Committee)

Live music was provided by local bands and soloists, with refreshments from food trucks, a bar run by the Melbourn Dynamos, a barbecue run by Melbourn Hub and a café run by Home-Start.

Children could also enjoy a miniature railway ride, bouncy castles, bungee trampolines, a climbing wall, a dance tent, soft archery and more.


More than 40 stalls showcased groups and businesses in the village, and visitors could take part in a photo competition and a raffle.

Taekwondo demonstrations at Melbourn FeteTaekwondo demonstrations at Melbourn Fete (Image: Melbourn Fete Committee)

The committee thanked the fete's sponsors, who helped entry remain free, as well as the volunteers who helped set up and pack down, marshal cars, look after stallholders and empty bins.

Guann-Yeu added: "We are immensely proud of our community’s public-spiritedness – thank you again to everyone who made it possible and everyone who came along.

"We are also happy to report that thousands of pounds were made, and we look forward to putting our profits back into the community."

Anna and Elsa with miniature horses at Melbourn FeteAnna and Elsa with miniature horses at Melbourn Fete (Image: Melbourn Fete Committee)