The Royston Parish Church of St John the Baptist is getting ready for its upcoming Patronal Festival, with a weekend of activities planned.

On Friday, June 21 there will be a 'Hymns and Pimm's' evening at 7.30pm. There is no need to book, and attendees can request their favourite hymns.

Free refreshments will be on offer, with glasses of Pimm's available for a small charge.

An evening with the award-winning IDMC Gospel Soul Choir will take place at 7.30pm on Saturday, June 22, with doors opening at 7pm.

Tickets are £15 each, or £5 for under-18s, and are available from or by contacting the church office.

On Sunday, June 23 there will be a communion service from the Book of Common Prayer at 9am and a celebratory festival service at 10.30am, led by the Bishop of Hertford, Rt. Rev Jane Mainwaring.

At 2pm there will be a rehearsal for anyone who wishes to join in singing evensong at 5pm.

Tickets are available from, or by contacting the church office.

A cream tea will be available at 4.15pm for all singers. 

There will be a £10 fee to cover music and refreshments, but evensong itself will be free to attend.