A fundraising day in memory of a much-loved Royston resident raised £5,000 for Addenbrooke's Hospital.

Play 4 Lesley took place at Royston Leisure Centre recently in memory of Lesley Judge, who died last September.

Lesley was born in 1963 to surviving parents Shirley and Brian Heale, with her brother Perry arriving two years later.

Lesley Judge, who died last year at the age of 60Lesley Judge, who died last year at the age of 60 (Image: The Judge family)

She moved to Royston from Hackney in the 1970s in time to attend both Greneway and Meridian schools (which have now merged to form King James Academy).

After leaving school, Lesley worked in Cambridge at the Royal Insurance, before working at the Addenbrooke's School of Clinical Medicine.

At 18, Lesley was found to have Hodgkin lymphoma - which then recurred again when she was 20 - and had extensive radiotherapy.

Following her recovery, Lesley began a job at Dom Holdings in Royston, and later worked at the Heath Sports Club for 14 years and then in finance for 17 years at Greneway School, Royston Schools Academy Trust and King James Academy.

In 1985 she married Andy Judge, a Royston teacher, and they had four children; Lindsay, Ashley, Ryan and Jamie, and two grandchildren, Finley and Orla.

Play 4 Lesley at Royston Leisure CentrePlay 4 Lesley at Royston Leisure Centre (Image: The Judge family)

At the age of 50, Lesley discovered that her cancer had returned - this time in the form of breast cancer.

Despite treatment, this occurred again when she was 55 and again at the age of 59.

Lesley's husband Andy said: "She remained positive, determined and very brave and - despite all of the problems that confronted her - always kept going with a smile and would not give in, until sadly at the age of 60 she was taken, fairly suddenly, back in September."

The fundraiser at Royston Leisure Centre involved a marathon eight hours of sport, featuring badminton, basketball, table tennis and football.

Around 60 of Lesley's family and friends took part, with some involved in all four sports - including her three sons - while her husband Andy played badminton and table tennis.

Lesley's brother Perry and his family also took part, with sister-in-law Wendy and her son Daniel the runners-up in the badminton competition.

Teachers Viv Ofstedahl and Glendon Crook won the badminton competition, while Ashley Judge and colleague Rob Dowler won the table tennis.

Away from the competition, Lesley's daughter Lindsay and daughter-in-law Alyce sold cakes and managed the raffle, while Ryan's partner Ellie was in charge of the scoreboard system.

The money raised from the event, which amounts to around £5,000 including gift aid, has gone towards the Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT), which supports innovation in patient care at both Addenbrooke's and the Rosie hospitals.


Andy said: "Participants contributed to the fundraising with many local people being extremely generous in helping a local cause which impacts all of us.

"Lesley is greatly missed by all who knew her and leaves a huge gap in the lives of her family and friends.

"She would be proud to know how much has been raised in her name for Addenbrooke's, having had incredible care from so many dedicated and wonderful staff at the hospital."