North Herts Council has announced changes to its leadership and cabinet following recent local election results.

Earlier this month, voters went to the polls for for council elections that left Labour one seat short of an overall majority. 

They now have 25 seats, up six from last year, while the Liberal Democrats gained four councillors, moving them up to 19.

The Conservatives suffered disappointing losses, losing eight seats and seeing their number reduced to seven.

As a result of the new council make up, Labour will now govern as a 'minority administration', bringing an end to two years of power sharing with the Liberal Democrats.

Cllr Daniel Allen (Lab) has been appointed as the new council leader, replacing Elizabeth Dennis. 

He said: "Being elected leader of the council is an honour and a responsibility that I take very seriously.

"As I step into this role, I promise to lead with openness, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the values and needs of our community."

He continued: "I would like to thank Cllr Elizabeth Dennis for her excellent work as Leader of the council which has put us in this strong position going forward.” 

Cllr Ralph Muncer has taken over as the new leader of the Conservative council group, while Cllr Ruth Brown remains at the helm of the Liberal Democrats.

Cllr Allen's role as chair has been filled by Cllr Clare Billing.

Royston Crow: Clare Billing is the new chair of North Herts CouncilClare Billing is the new chair of North Herts Council (Image: North Herts Council)


The number of councillors in North Herts increased from 49 to 51 this year, following a boundary review by the Boundary Commission.

The rest of the newly created council cabinet for 2024-25 is as follows:

Cllr Chris Hinchliff – Executive Member for Planning & Transport.

Cllr Ian Albert – Executive Member for Finance & IT.

Cllr Val Bryant – Executive Member for Communities & Partnerships (and Deputy Leader).

Cllr Tamsin Thomas – Executive Member for Enterprise & Arts.

Cllr Amy Allen – Executive Member for Recycling & Waste Management.

Cllr Mick Debenham – Executive Member for Environment, Leisure & Green Spaces.

Cllr Dave Winstanley – Executive Member for Housing & Environmental Health.