Grants of up to £500 have been launched by South Cambridgeshire District Council to help communities grow their own food sustainably.

The community growing grants will help groups buy equipment and tools to support projects on unused land - such as cultivating their own raised beds, seeds and soil.

As part of Good to Grow Week 2024, the council's grants advisory committee has been supporting the national week of action to promote community growing.

Community gardens are encouraged to get others involved in growing by inviting volunteers to help out, inspiring newcomers and preparing for the upcoming growing season.

Parish and town councils, community groups and schools are all eligible to apply, including informal groups of residents.

To ensure the projects will benefit the wider community and not just individuals, applicants must demonstrate how they intend to share their produce should there be a surplus.

This could be through a donation to their nearest foodbank, or a 'help yourself' box placed nearby.

Groups will be encouraged to share pictures of their produce and any donations to foodbanks to help promote the scheme.

Once applications have been submitted, decisions will be made within two weeks to enable projects to start as soon as possible.

To find out more and apply, visit

The grant will run until March 31, 2025, or until all funds are exhausted. Applicants must include a breakdown of anticipated costs, or - if applying for a contribution toward a larger scheme - which part of the project requires funding.


The initial fund available for the grant scheme is £5,000, which will be used to fund at least 10 projects across the district. However, the scheme will be reviewed based on demand.

Cllr Bill Handley, lead cabinet member for communities, said: "The grants for the Community Growing projects will enable local groups to help feed their communities whilst empowering them to cultivate not just crops, but connections.

"It’s great we’re able to make a difference in assisting with funding and also helping to contribute to people’s wellbeing."

The scheme is part of South Cambs District Council's wider cost of living response project.